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Paleo Park
Where your imagination meets reality
As you take your first steps around PALEO PARK tension and pressure just seem to drift away ... Children can run and play, the air is clean, and the skies are open as far as you can see. Excitement is part of each day, along with real life adventures! Prospect for dinosaurs and other treasures! While taking a break from prospecting, you may see antelope, deer, many types of birds, native flowers and grasses. This is the most beautiful, unspoiled spot to watch nature. Drop in and spend some time with us. In our opinion, there is no other place on earth with more stunning sunrises, breath taking sunsets or views of the immensity of our universe, than under the skies of the least populated county in the least populated state in the United States. Only 27 miles from the highway! Visit us on your Devil's Tower or Mount Rushmore vacations!